02 Oct

Every house owner that has a garbage disposal in their home must replace it at some point. So whenever you feel the need to finally replace your garbage disposal, you can either replace it on your own or you hire someone to do the task for you. In most times, hiring someone to replace a garbage disposal can be a little expensive for most people and is only inconvenient. This is something you'll want to learn more about.

Once you know a bit about garbage disposal, you will discover that it is an easy task for you to do and only needed common tools. It will be a nice opportunity especially for those who like DIY to use their skills and also save bucks in the process. Below are some tips to help you make your work easier.

Things to Consider Before You Replace the Disposal
The first thing that you have to do is to check the make, horsepower and model of your existing garbage disposal. You can find this information written on a data plate on your disposal. This information will come in handy whenever you purchase a new garbage disposal. If you find the same model, make, and horsepower, then all should be line up easily. If ever the unit is not available, go ask your local home improvement dealer for a suggestion on what is the best substitute or you can also ho online and find this information yourself.

Snap a Picture of the Garbage Disposal

The next thing to do is to get all the things from under the sink so that you can have some room to do the work. By doing this, you will clearly see how the plumbing is configured. Since most of us do not have a great photographic memory, then I would suggest to take a picture and see how it is hooked up. The photos will be useful in case you forgot what goes where.

Ask Some Help from a Home Improvement Store

The third thing to do is to take the information you have with the photos you have taken to you home improvement dealer. If your dealer have a better view on your configuration, then the dealer can help you and give you tips about the installation and the tools that you will be needing.
Install the Disposal Yourself Do check this product to learn more.

Once you finally purchased your replacement disposal, you will discover that almost all disposal comes with instructions. In most cases, if a special wrench is needed to install the disposal, you can find it in the packaging. A special wrench will allow you to twist the disposal manually if it jammed. Better keep this wrench because you might need it in the future. Here's how to install a garbage disposal: https://youtu.be/i8_og7cezVc 

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